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Wear resistant high platform gear It is a new type of gear composed of small metal powder through multiple processes such as pressing, sintering, and post-treatment. Compared with traditional processes,…
Кулинарная машина на железной основе
Cooking machine iron-based gear It is a new type of gear composed of small metal powder through multiple processes such as pressing, sintering, and post-treatment. Compared with traditional processes, it…
Втулка вала автомобильного кондиционера 3
Car air conditioning shaft sleeve 3 Powder metallurgy is a method of producing metal parts by pressing and sintering metal powders. This technology plays an important role in modern manufacturing…
Уплотнительная втулка вала
Sealing shaft sleeve Powder metallurgy is a method of producing metal parts by pressing and sintering metal powders. This technology plays an important role in modern manufacturing industry and has…
Порошковая металлургия автомобильных деталей
Powder metallurgy automotive parts Powder metallurgy is a method of producing metal parts by pressing and sintering metal powders. This technology plays an important role in modern manufacturing industry and…
Втулка вала кондиционера автомобиля
Car air conditioning shaft sleeve The liner has a rotating structure and cannot meet the complex stiffness requirements of the product; Its significant advantages are simple structure, easy manufacturing and…